
Amazing episode. Dani is my favorite character.

"we go back to early humans, you might imagine that fathers would be more likely to help raise children if they were certain that they really were the father."

my favorite

there is volcano on Chile sending lots of ashes to Argentine, I guessing that some chemical components can be going with it and causing weird lights. Or even, its June and there Brazilians living there that could think that would be fun to send up some balloon of Saint john (no idea what is the word for it in English)

it's just that he signed for 14 episodes, that usually would mean 13 ep plus x-mas special. If we are getting 7 ep + x-mas special that means only six for the next year. Granted he could sing a new contract for the rest, but would be strange signing mid season.

I thinking that in 2013 we will get a mid season regeneration.

what is the name giving to the guy that makes the drawings in a comics? I cant remember the word.

I vote for "pro-cons" reviews of the books until we have true blood back, and when the books are over, just to be special cruel to Meredith she will have to read every other best seller vampire novel *cough*twilight*cough*...

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saving the defenseless puppies everywhere with a baseball as companion.

image posting still not working?

he likes the company of young girls because when he started traveling his only companion was his grandaughter, after she left (aka he abbandoned her on earth so she could stay with her boyfriend). not say that this is always the case, the doctor had many other companions that werent young girls.

I really get the impression that something naughty is going to happen here.

thank you so much!!!!!

infinity plus infinity

Jean grey is coming back?

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I have a better way, invent a chicken that never leaves the chick fase and you be a best seller. I had one as kid but had to give away when it grow up.

is never avaible to my country these torchwood vids, io9 has to fix that, seriously EVERY TIME!

Megatron drunkenly gurgles that he really, really hates being a robot in disguise and would rather just waltz about as a plain old robot.