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I don't get Merlin obsession with American Football, He's welsh and Rugby players would be a much better choice for get knights from.

seriously, 16 people clicked on teen wolf? I not even sure if that is a real show or it is an elaborated prank. After all it is MTV.

yeah, where is tentacle aliens when you need them?

I am still hoping for a John Hart/Poddle

And together they kill Ben Afleck

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Season six was great, way better then I expected. And Weekend at Bobby's is one of the best episodes of all seasons.

"I'd like to see happen [which is] for Spock and see Uhura to really hook up"

A non tested jet pack, really is the quickest way to get to heaven.


YOu are made of win!

"This series is apparently intended as a love letter to anyone who spent the last 15 years watching way too much TV"

I on't really have much of a trouble with the "withe washing" in Akira, is much more a problem with the fact that can't see any of these actors playing an actual part on the movie.

Maybe they are being invaded by the sontarans, trow a ball at the base of their neck an you win. 3

I say that Jack and Rhys should have a make out scene. Actually it should a be a full episode of torchwood dedicated to Jack doing it everybody else.

the old all white control room would have been nice

An amazing episode, cnat even think of a favorite part because owhen one comes to mind another come right next.

untill he flies the farm's tractor direct into your head.