because the regular Joe is against Sci-fi on principle, my brother ask me yesterday if a movie was good, I started saying that it had a a sci-fi subplot and before I could give my opinion on said movie he had already gave up on watching.
Someone put their thumb in front of the camera and now they are blaming the moon.
I saw Changema, flashman and maskmen! Andthese are from before there was even power rangers!!!!! I need to watch this!!!!!
Not so much as fanfic son, is just that there is a lot of a fanfic that deals with the comic's cannon where superboy is a mix of Lex and Superman DNA, by making them a a very dysfunctional family.
I love the word Clex being used on io9, but just to be clear that in fandom Clex is the name of the slash pairing of Clark and Lex. Because they are soulmates that even have a son together. And Lex trying to destroy Superman is called foreplay
There is a reason why even in comics the underwater civilizations are based on magic, is kinda difficult to create tech when you can't even create fire.
So, I going to spend millions of dollars to build a perfect robot, and instead of making billions selling them as sex dolls and soldiers let's fight crime!
I have the first lost boys on DVD and that is all that matters. I didn't manage to even finish watching the "lost tribe, it was just way too boring. Sorry but I can't see Feldman managing a series on his own.
I remember when I watched Rocky Horror thinking that Brad was a spot on Clark. But I don't think wondewoman would be good as Janet.
How do you make something worse than G.I Joe or the Justin Bieber movie? Simple makes G.I. Joe 2 WITH Justin Bieber as the star.
portuguese =)
lol, it's ok I think that the words that are almost the same on my own language are the worst to remember
I kinda hope that is not her, the mistery is much more fun if it remains a mistery.
men and some of the women, don't drool on the table.
Being Erica is a great show! but remaking a canadian show? what is next a law & order that is not set on New York? .... hum never mind
I think this year we are going to have a massive tie in all categories, is impossible to choose which one is the worse in a lot of this. although without having watched Vampires suck and the last twilight movie I still can say that vampires suck can't be worse then twilight.
that butterfly looks like a lizard head, weird.