
they are actually in a reality show from the far future and the audience is the devil. the elevator was supposed to fall and everybody to die, instead the future people rigged to use them on their show. I know what you mean, there is something about it that got it hooks on me.

@Captain_Midnight: no idea, I know he received an update from Bryce ate the end of season 1(? or something along) so we know that is possible, perhaps he been receiving the update off screen now.

@Jacinthe: that was one of the good ones =), I had no idea how they were going to work on the next season, if it would take too long for Alex to go back to 82. How it was going to compare to Sam going back to the present.

Sookie was full of V when she dragged Eric and the king back inside, wouldn't that make her stronger?

I say do wherever, with my remains, as long they are not sold to the dog food factory.

@Paranoid K.: I agree with you, they build the machine expecting to go to 39 but as the machine didn't existed then there is no possible way to go.

@Charlie Jane Anders: because Jack and Rebeca weren't going after the crystal killer, when Mika and Pete arrive they are about to be sent on a clue about Man Ray's camera (what maybe would have saved that models in episode 4).

@dirge93: it was, probably, the "base" for his new project.

A tag list would be useful. Where you can see the tags in use and see if there is any thread that fits your comment. like I wanted to find a post on o-deck about what people are reading, but if there is any tag on it I can't find, a standard tag fort music suggestions would be cool too.

@lazerus72: the guy owes millions in taxes, reading scripts get in the way of he winning money just so he can pay out.

@lazerus72: the guy owes millions in taxes, reading scripts get in the way of he winning money just so he can pay out.

@LittleDragon: 3 episodes of 90 minutes each of pure awesome! You have to watch!

with all the delays on the hobbit the actors involved have to assume other works, and if he is involved in the shooting of Sherlock already then he can't just up and leave.

YAY!!!! The Doctor on The Sarah Jane Adventures!!!!!

Now playing

How can people not like Power Rangers? Monster of the week, robots evil minions and in the last season Earth was take over by machines!