
It can still be Tommy Merlyn, they're clearly using a stuntman for the action scenes and they're using Michael Dorf as the voice, they'd only need Colin Donnell for a day or so of filming right at the end for the big reveal as he dies off again.

If it's not going to be Tommy Merlyn under that hood (thanks to Flashpoint), then they're laying down so many red herrings it's untrue.
Felicity is thinking it's someone inside SCPD but if it's Merlyn, he has all the ins from Malcolm from way back when and probably his dad's copy of The List.

Robbie's version of GR doesn't have a Spirit of Vengeance though, he has his insane dead uncle Eli, or whatever relation he was supposed to be, the mad serial killer :)

Heh I said that in one of my reviews :)

Yeah him and Eli reached an accord, Robbie would kill but only what he felt were justifiable murders - i.e. those he believed deserved the punishment, all going a bit Lucifer in fact :)

She didn't have her special tech gloves on for a start which help keep the force of her power properly contained while she's using it so that has to have made a big difference.

Given the advent of the Doctor Strange film later this year I think it's fairly obvious the wider Marvel Universe is being used to introduce actual magic/spirits etc into the viewers minds.

Why be confused, Iain is gorgeous :)

Thoroughly enjoyed it even if it had to lay down a shedload of plot exposition for going forward.
Special effects on both the 69 Charger and Ghost Rider were superb I thought.

Loved it. And I love that it looks like we're getting John Hannah as an addition to the cast for Season 4.

Yeah I still wouldn't say it's horror though, It's Vertigo so it's their adult comic line so I expect more graphic violence etc but I still don't classify it as being in the horror genre.

I wouldn't say either Sandman or Carey's Lucifer are in the horror genre?

This is based on the comic though and not a straight up lift of Judao-Christian mythology so in the comics God created Lucifer and his twin brother Michael :)

I've been speculating about Chloe being the TV version of Elaine on another forum for a while now :)

They've already said it wasn't Earth Three/3 but just "another alternative Earth" in a couple of interviews. Earth-2's been the "evil version" mostly

Loved it, funny, heart breaking, utterly confusing, Tom Cavanagh totally destroying the competition as MVP plus they managed to get Rick Astley on the soundtrack.
As an 80s teenager that just speaks to me!

I understood it to be not that he didn't recognise her but that he didn't know she was future Kendra who had already gained her powers.
In fact they specifically said that during the episode.

Slightly mixed episode but overall I think it worked well. I love that you never know what kind of story you're going to get one week to the next and this really had the flavour of an old Twilight Zone sci-fi horror show.

Because they buggered it up? In the book they call Perk and his Roc to fly them back so why they chose to make it look like it was only a few hours ride away after weeks of "getting there" I can only put down to absolutely crap show-running.

Ahh gotcha.