Yeah, this collection of sites is starting to make HuffPo look like Breitbart.
Yeah, this collection of sites is starting to make HuffPo look like Breitbart.
Iacocca was a businessman, not the fucking Pope. His JOB was to earn the highest financial value for stakeholders. Blaming him for lobbying Washington for loose regulations is blaming the wrong person. Blame shithead politicians who killed/delayed the regulations. Politicians are elected to have my best interests at…
Specifically using the event of his death to post a specifically critical piece is not the best time. It gets the most attention, I suppose.
I bet he also didn’t use the most progressive language since he was born in 1924. He probably also didn’t have the most enlightened views on women or minorities. He might have even made off-color jokes. You idiots need to stop judging everything and everyone by your woke standards.
In 100 years, when people write…
General automotive world: “Lee did very memorable things and we would like to reflect warmly on the positive impact he had on us.”
Yes, he was a businessman. That doesn’t mean he was evil or the like. His push back against regulations was a calculation. He calculated that accepting regulations added cost to his cars, which reduced sales.
Nevertheless, he kept on this erroneous, fear-mongering line through 1973 even though automakers had already zeroed in on the catalytic converter as a solution to the problem (as Iacocca continued to falsely claim no solution had been found)
Imagine that, an automotive CEO hired by a board of directors to make money for shareholders taking issue with onerous federal regulations that would hurt shareholder value. What a shocker.
Why a critical piece today? Poor timing.
I am perfectly content to have no context for this.
They don’t seem to be doing very much passing. Most all road rage is two people being assholes, and one winning. The loser plays the victim.