Cade Yeager

You’re literally this heinous article.

1) There are no death threats in this thanks for lying

AHHHH HAHAHA this dumb bitch is everything wrong with the modern woman. You’re wrong, you don’t know what you’re talking about, and instead of shutting the fuck up you tell everyone who knows you’re wrong to go fuck themselves.. Nice Job, you’re a shining example!

Well how about this fat-tits, get two golf balls, put them in a small satchel, then stuff them between your legs, and see how comfortable you feel. nm79, don’t apologize for anything. The dumb bitches complaining on this issue are mostly over entitled slam-pigs tipping the scales past two bills easily and I bet my

I think this is fantastic. If it somehow gets rid of all the goddamn women who prattle on and on about the “need to travel” the “passion to travel” etc. from the other dating sites or apps, that would be fantastic.

Well this is pretty gross, asking women where the best place is to be slutty in the world. Can't help but think if a guy wrote an article like this for men from a similar website, that Jezebel would be all over it calling the article, author, and it's site misogynist, scummy, reducing women to meat etc.. Way to be on

I do that all the time, because if the girl says she can’t and does not request a future date explicitly then she’s broadcasting she’s too nervous or something better has come along. Here’s a few more things :

Oh also, the fact that a lefty site like this puts such a muzzle on its feedback with it's "pending approval" filter seems awfully hypocritical of the idea of freedom of speech, especially when a site like this purposely writes inflammatory, often male shaming or emasculating bs just begging to be countered. I'd like

I'm pretty goddamn sick of hearing about how much women love to travel. Like I said, it'd be more interesting to hear the reasons for the obsession, what it says about them, and how they afford it.

Wow women like to travel? I had no idea from the thousand of tinder profiles that show that every fucking one of them does. Good thing this site was made to shine some more light on that.

I'm sure the follow up a few years later when this winy cuckolded pussbag writes about his kids not accepting his open marriage either will be even worse. Maybe your parents don't approve because they know that shit doesn't work, and only ignorant self indulgent fucks who masquerade this depraved behavior as some form

FYI I looked up this nasty, selfish pigs picture and article history and she's nothing short of a miserable mess, so have fun taking her advice ladies; you can end up as alone and sad as her. As annoyed as she makes me, which I'm sure is Jezebels intent, I'm far more angry at the guys that allow this behavior. Sissy

Fuck this emasculating bullshit. I know Jezebel is designed to enrage every real man who's worth his salt and get every single beta pussy male to play white knight, but this is waayyy too far. This isn't about owing shit, of course you don't owe anyone anything, but this is the most selfish shit an uncaring,

Pure and simple: fuck you

Everyone who is going to complain about the advice here should be required to put up a body pic the same way gawker makes pending approval of posts, that way there's context for what kind of person is bitching because most of the naysayers in my minds-eye are scarfing down a twinkie, a taco bell dorito shell taco, and

On behalf of Men-kind, let me be the first to thank you for getting old, fat, ugly, and invisible rather than bestow any more of your nasty remarks to men who merely hope you would lighted up. Have fun with your many, many cats.

Finally, someone pointing out how shitty this song and especially its goddamn remixes . I was going nuts thinking I was the only one who realized this like the kid pointing out the emperor was wearing no clothes. Now if only everyone would see Ed Sheeran for the sack of shit he is....

That last part was for riceberry, not you. You're merely foolish for not seeing the hypocrisy of your remarks.

Word! Finally some sane comments in this insane article!

People shouldn't be allowed to judge though you're clearly judging those that do and calling them douche's and jackasses? Just who the hell are you? I'll tell you right now I AM going to judge, because that's what all people do whether they admit it or not, so get real. Most guys don't want to be cuckolded chumps