
I can see my first Android phone!! Awww, its so, MANLY.

plex + iphone app = <3

@JordanAT: a 30" monitor does not cost 1000$. i feel like i might have read that wrong but im not sure.

butter shaped like an xmas tree. no joke.

I still think that it requires too many keyboard strokes. I prefer Cinch for Mac.

I'm a random camera. Shaky. Shaky, Shaky Shakey. SHAKY SHAKY. And if you named your own price on car insurance you could be picking up this tab yourself. So get Allstate. You can save some cash and stay protected for shaky camera man hands like me.

They way news has changed is amazing. Now the reporters don't even have to be near the story, they just have to have a twitter account.

@Fekdep: shhhh. thats a secret.

1. Now I properly know how to roll cookie dough.

@themikey: to make up for my wimpy horn, I've learned to hold it for a good 5 seconds.

wheres the magnet that I can throw at cyclists who don't follow the rules???

finally. now to go to the verizon store, buy a palm pixy for 119 (no contract). start paying for the 3G. turn on the mobile hotspot action. connect my ipod touch. TA DA!

foxnews "it will cost this house 82 bazzillion dollars to power that many lights!"