
Royal Farms wants over four bucks for one of their “world famous” chicken thighs. It can rot under that heat lamp for all I care.

My 10th grade math teacher, Ms. Georgia Davis, took every opportunity possible to relate the lesson to interest and monetary growth. God bless her.

I understand that times are tough for Jalopnik right now, but whoever is currently maintaining your site has made it nigh-unreadable. Whenever you scroll to the bottom of an article, it leaves the article and takes you to a random Root web page. It’s absolutely maddening and I won’t be returning until it’s fixed,

That stuff isn’t really safety related so to speak. Yeah, headlights and wipers, but the big things that they’re apparently not checking in Delaware are things like frame condition, steering and suspension condition, brake lines, brake life, etc. These are the things that should really be inspected, especially in the

Yeah, this beast is only used for one “automotive” application. Tire shops that specialize in truck and RV tires. They will have one of these (a lower end model) that they use to torque on the wheels. RV owners seem to always claim that a shop hadn’t torqued a wheel on properly when there is a problem. This wrench

If you don’t want them to talk politics, buy the website.

All you plebians with your Corvettes and your Supras. It’s not enough that you must be wrong, must you also be vulgar?

Good for your daughter for appreciating and making time for our national parks too.

You’re a good parent to be so resourceful and help her out so quickly.

My kid is at the tail end of a cross country trip to like 15 national parks from Delaware to Cali and back.

Nail, meet head.

Thank you, FCPEuro, for $95 Stoptech Rotors and EBC Pads, $12 Bosch Wipers, $8 spark plugs sets, and on and on.

Same... double age and 3x her income, I drive a 12 year Volvo that I work on and toy with. I can’t even imagine doing anything like her nonsense.

To me it’s exactly what GamePass is made for, games that I don’t want to shell out full price for but still want to be able to play so I can at least try them out and keep up with what’s going on with games.


Speed records and racing have driven motorsports for over 120 years and ALL of it, all the technology, experiences, failures, triumphs, mistakes, victories, cheating, ALL of it progresses motorsports and real world daily driving. Are cars today are the children of technology born from trying to break records. 

“Being a mechanic and thinking that Chevy’s use Ford engines? This guy needs to find another profession.”

The same people who carry a gun everyday and aren’t paid to do so. Can’t imagine letting fear run my life that much. 

We’re simply moving the problem to another area
