Black conservative

I do not see it that way. I don’t call people “uncle Toms” I merely give my opinion. Your job is to refute, for which I will kindly return

“Fuck you and your whataboutism, troll. When someone commits a CRIME, they go to prison.”

I stated a fact. You just resort to ad hominems (look it up)

I will ask again. Where is your moral outrage when the government separates black families, whose parents are going to prison?

if you say so

Man! you liberal blacks are as dumb as the day is long....Wow!

Janet Brady says, Russia...Russia....Russia

Reading and comprehension must be a challenge. I have him at 15%, only 2% lower than your ONE poll. I take ALL of the polls right, left and “middle” and I get the average. It’s called basic math, with a little bit of fudging on my part

I don’t even know what that means?

Reuter’s poll had him at 11% last May and Rasmussen’s poll has him at 29% today. I say, 15%.

I am not angry. I am PISSED! I am pissed when joker blacks and fake whites wield the “racist”, “white supremacy” accusation like children running through the hallways with scissors.

You people are the ones using the moral argument. I am contesting the consistency of your righteous indignation. So now that you are thru with your emotional plea rant about Sean Hannity. You still didn’t answer the question.

I will just leave you Cleopatra

““The 5,000 children currently serving time in ADULT PRISONS are disproportionately represented by black and brown bodies.”

These players are not exactly rocket scientist. They are young and dumb. When you compare the NFL to a slave plantation?......You have just insulted slavery.....WOW! Too many people do not know how to think. Read Larry Elder’s book “Stupid Black Men”

Trump’s approval rating growing in the black community

Ya....I know. I am responding to all questions. I have many posts, and you posted twice (I didn’t realize at first) In kind I posted it twice.....seriously..what is wrong with you?

“Because that is a HUGE difference. But I will remind you, yet again, being absolutely appalled and disgusted that this Administration is separating families at the border, “

ad hominem