Black conservative

Trump’s approval ratings (now 15%) are rising in the black community. He is doing better than all the Republicans presidents in my lifetime. Trump just keeps winning.

So I think that’s the first time I’ve heard a white person claim that she would have called a white person a nigger, too....”

Wow!!! Someone used the “N” word.....for shame (((rolling eyes)))

I am curious if anyone is curious where Auntie Maxine got her millions?

o........k.......My dad use to tell me that people with really no argumentative skills will resort to crass language.

LOL”...Isn’t an argument. It means you have nothing to refute my statement. Any simple economist will tell you that illegal immigration hurts the black community. Many of you would know that once you stop following the lies of the white democratic slave masters.

Rooting? I use to be a liberal and call many black conservatives Tom(s) and idiots. Now that I am a conservative, I have those names thrown my way as well-ergo, my pennants. I hope that will suffice

Trump has tried to stop illegal immigration. Illegal immigration hurts the black community; both employment and wage wise. We should be thanking Trump.

“This president has been very clear in his divisive agenda and this distraction is insulting.”

Hate to tell you Christian black folk, but God wanted Trump to win the election, and how do I know this? Because he won. It’s that simple

Unfortunately she is wrong. The correct psychological clinical term is, Trump Anxiety Disorder or TAD, is the way the doctors like to call it

Ummmm...I am willing to bet that they are your Democrat liberal white friends calling the police on you

“It’s also been mentioned in the same league as some of the country’s most widely heralded civil rights leaders”

She’s as white as Zimmerman

It could be a mistake, It could be a disgruntled employee or it could even be a hoax. You call the company and give them your grievance over the incident, but calling the news?? It’s nothing news.

How is this news? Get over it. Someone just looking for money (((rolling eyes)))

““the most pro-black president”

“1 I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3 This is good, and pleases God our Savior…” -1 Timothy 2:1-3

Curious.....Do you have the statistics of whites being rejected?