
The frustrating part is the PS5 is more than capable of running a PS3 emulator, but everyone keeps saying “oh the cell processor is to hard to emulate.” Older Ryzen APU’s are running a community made emulator called RPCS3 and playing games like Demon’s Souls and MGS4 at 1080p.

This is where Xbox really has me by the balls. I can play the MGS HD collection, New Vegas, and tons of these games directly on my Series X. Hell, I think the only place you can buy a copy of Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker is on the Xbox at this point. I just bought Asura’s Wrath last week because I never got around

I was part of the Indie-gogo and it charged ar time if purchase. If in Europe, you would pay import taxes at the time of shipping. USA had no extra import taxes for me though.

Ordered mine in February and received it this week. It is amazing! Worth the wait. 

The All-Star game was moved from Atlanta to Colorado. Atlanta won the World Series however and it was partially played in Atlanta. 

I don’t know what groups you follow, but from everything I’ve seen Jet has near universally been hailed as the best casting choice in the show. Spike and Faye on the other hand..... terrible.

It should be shown in schools

My local Wendy’s messes up my order 2/3 times I go there. If they can’t get “10 piece regular nuggets with a medium fry and sprite” correct on a regular basis, then they don’t deserve a pay bump.

You are definitely in the minority if you honestly think “Claudia Gray writes some of the best Star Wars novels.” Her books are fine, but no where near the upper echelon of Star Wars novels. Shes definitely no Zahn or Luceno.

The game runs great on my laptop (1660ti)and my desktop(3070ti). Sure the game has its issues, but at least for me performance isn't one of them. 

Has there been any mention of it coming to PC? I surely hope it does, just for the sake of completion. 

Why do Kotaku writers tend to be so antagonistic? A great game is coming to a new console and more people can experience it. This is nothing but a win. 

Gears 5, The Last of Us 2, Horizon Zero Dawn, Control, A Plague Tale, Hellblade 2.... All have female protagonists that very much had marketing pushes. I can go on and on. I didn’t even mention any of the hyper sexualized ones like Nier: Automata.

Uh... there are tons of female leads in games these days. This isn't 2005. 

Came to say the same thing. Even if it's only PS5 and PC, they can still throw it on PC Gamepass. 

The PS3 being hard to emulate is blown way out of proportion. Low level Ryzan APUs can run RCPS3 at 1080p 60fps depending on the game. The PS5 sure as hell can do it to. 

I ended up just standing it behind my tv so I wouldn’t have to look at it. 

Syrik will more than likely be on forever since Microsoft owns Bethesda, but you'll probably get a solid year out of DQ11. 

One of the biggest benefits to me is cross saves. I’ve been jumping back and forth between Dragon quest 11 on my pc and Series S. It's awesome to be able to just pick right up where I left off. 

Came to say the exact same thing