
a nobody loser writing a review, you want a medal.

considering this review is smaller than a short story, it doesn't hold any merit or credibility

you can tell this tool only played 5 minutes of both single and multiplayer, i cant believe this hack site allows these amateur reviews. do they have one credible employee here is do they pull random people from the streets to make these reviews.

Scott jones doesnt even have a profile but yet he can submit unreliable Reviews.

CUncharted 3: Drake’s DeceptionA-Batman: Arkham CityB+Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One B+Might & Magic: Heroes VIB+Aliens: InfestationB+GlitchC-Ace Combat: Assault HorizonC+Rage A-Dark Souls C+Solatorobo: Red The HunterCBurnout CRASH!A-White Knight Chronicles IIAGears Of War 3A-Kirby Mass AttackB-The BaconingB+Warhammer

haha dont worry, it wont be up for long, :)

I can tell this reviewer has

its been a while since sony has blacklisted a site, welcome to the club AV CLUB.

im just glad metacritic doesnt count this hack sites unreliable or non credible review. :)