Danson With Myself

My memories of the 90s - and I was a teen at the time - is of a period when it still seemed vaguely “acceptable” or at least just-this-side or permissible for teenage girls to be getting involved with “older” “men” (sketchy guys in their 20s). I also think (hope?) this was the dying vestiges of that trend.

A lot of it has to do with Olan Rogers himself. Back in the days just after Balloon Shop, he created a series called The Last Scene that was initially a riff on the absurdist humor he did in Balloon Shop, but then got progressively more and more dramatic and experimental because he was practicing his production skills.

It wouldn’t have saved the show, but it baffles me that Ballmastrz, Gemusetto Death Beats, and various Rick and Morty anime shorts aired on Toonami, but not Final Space, which is basically tailor made for the block.

I’m somewhat surprised it was cancelled. TBS/Adult Swim are set to lose the syndication rights to Family Guy and Bob’s Burgers so they’re gonna need content to fill time. I know the show has a fairly rabid fanbase and the show was promoted well. With 3 seasons already in the books, renewing it would make a lot of

you just had to say you were the typical bill maher fan

One time my Dad wrote and tweeted a slightly amusing, very obvious joke about a current event on a Wednesday, then on Friday nights sent me a video of the exact same joke almost word for word on Bill Maher’s monologue. I’m not accusing Real Time of stealing my Dad’s joke, I’m saying the comedy writing on that show is

I’d argue he was never even close to progressive to begin with. At best he’s a well off neoliberal who wants to smoke pot but is otherwise content with the status quo and the wealth he’s accumulated from it.

If you consider the political spectrum to be a circle, he really isn’t that far removed from the Tuckers of this world.

Who the fuck is watching Bill Maher in 2021 and what can we do to convince you to use your time in a more productive fashion?

Don’t forget him peddling Anti-Vaccination bullshit, his chumminess with conservatives like Ann Coultor, his Islamaphobia and whining about “cancel culture” because he fears there being any consequences for him being an asshole…

I used to watch him, but apart from some of his more questionable guest choices, I got tired of him constantly trying to throw trans-people under the bus.

At least this movie promises to deliver on its title, unlike that piece of crap Skyfall.

Looks like it might be fun. It has to be better than Independence Day 2. Right?

I will give Wyatt Cenac the benefit of the doubt on anything he wants to do.

It’s funny because we’re fucking doomed.

There has been an absurd amount of talk about McDonald's machines these past two years. I mean, it's obvious that people want to eat their feelings away with sweet treats. And it also shows that McDonald's not only purchased an inferior machine from a company that produces similar yet better machines for the

I ended up watching a youtube video that was something like half an hour on it. Basically, Mcdonalds corporate is buddy-buddy with the owner of Taylor. Local franchise owners must buy this one specific Taylor model that breaks down almost daily. And so they have to call the repair person who charges about $300 every

Nope. You’ll be the guy in charge of the machine that never breaks. Since it never breaks, they will eventually wonder why they need you. And, when they fire you and then find out they did need you, they would rather go broke than admit they were wrong.

I worked at CitiField for two seasons like 10 years ago. I was the only person who knew how to clean the ice cream machine, so I had to do it every night. It taught me a good lesson: don’t be the guy at work who knows how to do things, because there’s no benefit to you. 

Finally. Our long national nightmare is over.