I always thought it was interesting that the doctors in Nip/Tuck were named McNamera and Troy.
I always thought it was interesting that the doctors in Nip/Tuck were named McNamera and Troy.
I was a bit disappointed in the rest of this interview because it seemed like Craig was a big fan of Colbert and wanted to talk about things beyond the pretty facile questions Colbert was hitting him with. I would've been curious to see what else he had to say.
He seemed to really enjoy that Colbert had nicknamed him "the front-stabber" after something he had said in an interview.
Pretty sure we're living in an alternate ending of The Dead Zone
Cool, now I can get drunk and yell at my TV instead of getting drunk and typing here
It's such an absolute clusterfuck. I remember at the peak of the calls to get the Governor out of office for it, I was deeply worried that the teaper-led state legislature would use his departure as an excuse to pretend the crisis resolved itself. Snyder fought the legislature quite a bit to get more money for the…
Then they can all be sticky and constantly reek of alcohol, just like he does!
Didn't he do some stuff in Basketball Diaries, as well?
Could not be better said.
Fraggle Masculinity
From personal experience, growing up one town over from where Kid Rock currently lives and having friends who went to school with his son, I blame boomers for allowing their dirtbag children to spend their allowances on Kid Rock albums.
Each one replacing a scene of him screaming "My cyborg parts leave me in endless pain!"
Adding Cyborg to the League was a transparent but necessary attempt to make it a bit more diverse, but yeah, they should've found a character who had a bit more backstory and a better defined solo career to build from.
Less Cronenberg, more Cronenfun
"Josh, you blue it."
I find that very progressive, which adds to the continuing exercise in contradictions that is Drew Carey: libertarian pal of Bob Poole and the Koch Brothers who fights for the working person.
On film, it looks a lot like the Phantom Zone effects from Superman 2.
Finally, a show for recent graduates of submarine school.
That man's a balloon.
Spoon suffers from being consistent while not even having pretend lyrical depth the way REM or New Pornos songs frequently do.