Danson With Myself

Now this is podracing terrigenesis!

Why do I suspect this is only happening so that the characters can spend 16 episodes talking about how incredible the Inhumans are, with one of the cheaper Inhumans actors probably tagging along for most of the season.

Yeah, playing State Fairs and selling groupons.

Yeah, Idol had like 2-3 and the Voice has had none. And X-Factor and AGT have been pretty lacking as well, although AGT moves right beyond the fame phase and directly into the desperate Vegas residency phase.

Breaking bottles of Kona over the heads of those who don't agree with us

Show was on for 15 years, and those two are the only two semi-celebrities that I can think of that it generated from its contestant pool (although Clay Aiken has been trying desperately to hold on).

I'm hoping they'll swing around Detroit some time next year. I haven't seen them outside of a short early festival slot in 2006 when they were barely known.

Alligator is a near perfect song cycle about being young, drunk, and alienated in the big city, and I love it. Berninger's lyrics are clever, sprawling, and uncomfortably revealing, as opposed to the more streamlined and minimal lyrics that would appear on each album following. It also balances anthemic rockers and

Possibly the only way you could get me in the seats for another Avatar movie.

I hear Tim Allen is available

Originally from Auburn Hills/Pontiac area, now living near AA.

Someone needs to bite the bullet and give Chris Meloni his own staring absurdist comedy series on netflix already. The man's been begging for it for years, and if I'm remembering right, his desire to branch out more into comedy was the reason he left SVU. Since then he's been stuck on family comedies or buried in

I mean new seasons for first-run. I don't think that happens anymore, but if any show could pull it off, it'd be one that has Tim Allen on it in 2017.

I believe our state budget isn't strong enough to air them elsewhere.

Yes, and it had "Detroit's Own" Tim Allen!

I almost wonder if this will get picked up in syndication somehow. Is there still infrastructure for that to be a possibility?

I was reading the Home Improvement wiki page a couple months back and I guess there's an episode where Wilson talks about how much he loves F.A. Hayek.

Or you could call him H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks Boy, and have the film end in a slow-motion shootout against Vladimir Putin!

This is entirely how I feel. Until that trilogy is resolved, I just don't care about seeing anything from this franchise.

I forgot Tambor was in these because the first one was pre-Tamborenaissance