
Spinach and brussels sprouts are basically godlike.

I agree. My hometown has a pretty good variety of diverse foods from different cultures. My ex, however, (whose family was solidly middle-class) was very much the meat-and-cheese, processed-food, white-bread type who scoffed at all new dishes. So that's pure hostility. Another friend of mine came from a town that

But a coarse stake house sure did.

"I realized my wife and I are compassionate people who will undoubtedly make mistakes but will be proactive, informed and caring parents."

Agreed. I cook nearly every night; the few times I go out to eat, I really have no interest in standing at a cart, waiting for food, and then eat it out of styrofoam containers. I just want to sit at a table in a restaurant, get my food brought to me, and leave the server a good tip at the

I am pi.

Ugh, I just got a Facebook friend request two weeks ago from my former boss, who was 100% the adult version of a bully. I didn't accept it and immediately blocked her, all the while thinking, "WHY did you think I would be okay with you seeing any details of my current life?"

Probably either an intimate-partner abuser or a child abuser.

Oy, I hate this kind of stuff. Sorry, but schools shouldn't really be "free speech" zones. You shouldn't be allowed to blatantly insult and harass people and get away with it. And reigning in a bully isn't "bullying bullies," it is, hopefully, helping them to change their behavior to allow them to interact with

What an asswipe. Yeah, this school fucked-up majorly if they gave the work of someone who literally justified domestic violence TO THEIR STUDENTS. Way to do your research!

Yeah, I'm in the same boat as you, lucky enough to not need makeup (and I also have ridiculously sensitive skin that gets red and itchy when exposed to lots of random things, so the fewer products I put on it, the better).

I had a semi-similar experience. I was on the academic team, and we were at a meet against a whole bunch of other teams. Most of the questions we got were about serious academic stuff, but occasionally there were more pop-culture-esque questions. And there was a guy on my team who was a know-it-all sexist jerk, and

Ohhh, that's amazing. I would love to do that to my current jerky landlord.

My ex used to do that. He hated ice. But he always did it in a pretty condescending way. Ugh.

Vocal fry.

Yeah, I spend a lot of time in my lower range (my comfortable range). But when I worked in an all-female environment (I'm also female), and all of our clients were women, I would often go into my upper range in an attempt to make people feel more comfortable.

I have been interested in a few dudes with relatively high-pitched voices, and one with a lisp. The pitch matters less than other things. Really LOUD voices bug me, terrible personalities (like the date described in this article) bug me, and there's a particular nasal/phlegmatic vocal quality that I find a bit

I've been the first before...I've probably been the only one to <i>see</i> something before. And I still didn't get called back about follow-up information. It sucks.

I don't want her to be lying. I never want to believe that someone who says they were raped is lying, because people accused me of lying and they took my rapist's side and all of that. But you're right, things don't add up. This is definitely a quirk of my own weird brain, but 9/18/05 at 3:00 pm is a deeply

My fiancé has similar issues—he got all his childhood vaccinations, and gets boosters as necessary, but for some reason the yearly flu shots exacerbate his chronic illness, so he can't get them. So I DO get them, because my immune system is a total weakling and I have had the flu every year I didn't get the vaccine