Lower prices now, merger approval later
Lower prices now, merger approval later
It’s incredibly cool that this company of incompetent boobs was allowed to buy up basically every videogame IP that wasn’t already spoken for (and some that were).
I am not an economist, but don’t price hikes to “offset inflation” end up accelerating it as some kind of price hike feedback loop?
Ok, so it was more like a kick in the dick than it was a slap in the face.
If it’s so old, it should cost less. There being no price drop when the PS5 slim was released was a slap in the face to consumers everywhere.
That rules, and it’s even better that he plays himself.
The shuttering of Volition took more away from us than I had realized.
Give me the party member that shoots you down not because of gender or sexuality but because “You’re making it weird, just because we’re friends and adventuring buddies doesn’t mean I’m DTF”
People are noticing that they are upset about noticing that the method of making things noticeable is working, they don’t notice how upset they’d be if they couldn’t notice something because it wasn’t noticeable.
Basically we already have consoles with a ton of features and improvements that were once “kinda cool and nice to have”, but later became almost universal requirements.
Take you pick of multiplayer on consoles, streaming service applications, digital distribution, or backwards compatibility (and a ton I am forgetting,…
MS pulling a Sega and leaving the console hardware business up to only Sony and Nintendo would be absolutely terrible for everyone, regardless of which side of the console war you are on.
I challenge Ken Levine to make a game not set in a weird city sequestered away from the rest of society.
The man is 83 years old, whoever is still signing him up for new gigs is doing an elder abuse. Let him retire.
If he’s doing it to himself, that’s even worse
Yeah, really feels like the headline is FF7 Rebirth caps off or closes a fantastical February
If for some reason I’ve left my Switch, Steam Deck, Analogue Pocket or phone behind, I think $46 bucks a day is OK if my layover is like four or more hours.
A more advanced Virtual Boy, in color.
A Virtual Boy Color Advance, if you will.
We all know what is coming next.
1995 was too soon, the technology hadn’t matured yet.
But it’s been nearly 30 years, the time is now.
For the Virtual Boy 2.
Gamers never change.
All those Super Mario Maker 1 levels, just gone forever.
No, it needs to be a thing because I don’t want to wait 15 minutes in line for a septuagenarian to scan, coupon and bag an entire cart full of produce in the self checkout.
Just because a job appears to be simple and easy to offload onto a non-employee does not mean that there is no value in providing convenience and…
Around here grocery cashier is a union gig, the pay isn’t amazing but you’d have to be a really weird person to call it a trash job.