
So grocery chains are going to continue to cut cashier staff because the self checkout machines will obviously take care of everything, which means that now in order to eat we will all be required to submit our faces along with identifying information into a database we have no control over, which is going to be used

This fuckin’ sucks and is bullshit.

Going all-in on a small number big money projects (don’t believe that Square Enix is capable of making an “indie game”) that you cannot afford to have fail doesn’t seem like a great strategy when you look at what the receptions to Square Enix’s 2023 releases were.

You know what there’s too much of in our role based team game?

People playing specific roles and teamwork.

AFEELA sick, mamma mia!

They shoulda called this Nomad-alike the Damon.

Thank you for your service.

I cannot wait to get this installed, play around with the character creator for hours and then never actually play the game.

Considering how unexpectedly weird and different most Nintendo consoles are from the previous ones, I don’t put a lot of stock in analysis that says “the same, but more powerful”.

I’m happy to be proven wrong, since a more powerful switch is what I want, but Nintendo hasn’t operated like that for a long time, for

Reload omitting the feMC route sucks, but the remake also doesn’t include the post-game epilogue called The Answer, which was added in the 2012 updated edition of P3 called Persona 3 FES.

I’m hoping for a version that doesn’t need to be recharged every 8 hours, the battery life on the DualSense is abysmal, especially when I can use my DS4 for days at a time between charges.

It really does seem like a bright spot surrounded by a tempest of bad decisions these days.
Which is kind of ironic considering how FFXIV started out.

Prices can go down? I thought we lived in the year 2023 where that was impossible!

Sony, do likewise.

If I believed that soup companies were knowingly shipping botulism tainted soup, I would have a lot more concerns about consuming it than just the temperature.

I’d rather have a price drop than a pro model.

We don’t talk about Fallout: Tactics or the console one.

Yeah, they’re on the covers, but it creates mystery. After Fallout 1, everyone knew whose Power armor that was, and After 2 the same was true for the Enclave. The west coast Fallout covers never repeated same same image.

Contrast that with the other covers, every one is a shot of T-51 power armor from a different

As a very old and crotchety fan, all my enthusiasm for the show drained away once I saw the Brotherhood of Steel front and center in the trailer. Once I saw that, it reminded me that the brand’s Bethesda poisoning had become terminal a long time ago, and that the cool image of power armor is what the series is about

I don’t know if the world was ready for Ogre Battle in 1993, nor do I know if we are ready for it now. A sequel could be too much, but I do want to see it.

While I would love an FFT remake, it’s also a game I’ve replayed over a dozen times since I first got it on release. I appreciate a lot of these remasters and remakes, but after finishing a few of them it would be nice if some of them had an Arrange Mode for freaks like me who already know the game backwards and