
Nobody clappin for these cheeks

Once we can get a 4K boulder punch they can stop doing REmakes.
The kids have to know about boulder punching, they aren’t teaching them  about boulder punching in schools these days.

Maybe Jeff and the TGA people should read Handmade Pixels by Jesper Juul before they go off half-cocked giving out nominations to “indie games” without defining what that means. The book provides a pretty good insight into how people construct the notion of what an “indie game” is.

“Who could have foreseen this?” I wail at the sky while crying and trying to scrub the maple syrup out of my Civic’s upholstery.

I am curious myself, I never found it!

I played it for around 30 expecting the good part of the game to start any minute, but it never did.
Sometimes you go into a game with high hopes and you end up playing longer than you ought to because the game “can’t really be this boring, the good part has to start after this next quest”.

If I find out anyone’s Thanksgiving plan involves going to Golden Corral, they can just come over, I’ll feed them no questions asked.

Actually now that I think back on it, I beat SMRPG in a marathon session of two back-to-back blockbuster rentals over summer vacation. So I shouldn’t have any misgivings about buying it.

Great job at rationalizing your poor financial habits, me.

While I am not the biggest fan of buying the same game twice, I am a little glad that a game I really enjoyed when it first came out is getting a modern enough facelift that my young nephew won’t turn his nose up at getting this for Christmas.

Unfortunately this has only whetted my appetite for more re-makes of this

Ubiquity and quality are very different things, and one does not imply the other.

Google Search’s quality reflects poorly on the quality of the product

One one hand, free pizza rules and it’s Domino’s own damn fault for making a full-on freebie code in the first place.

On the other hand, free pizza does rule but ordering 77 free pizzas is overly greedy and just calling attention to it, ruining it for everyone.

On the other hand, I feel bad for those employees that got

It’d almost have to, it looks like shit.

I am looking forward to Suicide Squad, not because I expect to enjoy it, but because a game whose premise is so in conflict with it’s own gameplay (see videos of King Shark and Captain Boomerang primarily using guns) can’t help but be a hilarious train wreck when released.

If the rest of the upcoming WB games are going

Adding a character voice to a first person game is a real boneheaded move, and Fallout 4's moving the camera outward for shot reverse shot conversations only compounded how bad things had gotten by showing off even more dead eyed character models per conversation.

It never went away, it just got it’s own channel!

So the Share button has effectively become the YouTube button now?

I guess you could use it to post to Facebook, if you’re like, old as bones or something.

I don’t think anyone could have seen this coming.

Ideally, Remedy somehow gets the rights to the character back and retroactively patches Alan Wake 2 to change Alex Casey into Max Payne

Konami has lost the juice, they aren’t good at doing things anymore.

Even after moving away from actively developing their own games, they are still unable to manage the brands they own without disappointing everyone.