
Turtle Chips do rule, though Flamin’ Lime is the best flavor and is sadly absent from the blurb.

Avoid the Sweet Corn Turtle Chips.

I don’t want FLCL to explain things or make sense, I want FLCL.

New Game+ does turn a Dan Simple mission into a Dan Complex one tho

I stumbled into a Gale romance without realizing it on my first play through, I thought I was just being a good friend to someone going through a hard time and all of a sudden the game thought we were extra special friends rather than just normal friends.

Because they want to be able to iterate quickly, unlock more creativity, and form a clear vision of what they’re building before development ramps up. I wonder how many middle managers and executives got laid off for being impediments to those goals.

No Co-op, you’re on your own, Raven.

Agreed, as long as it’s not something like Evolved or Left Alive.

I’m in the opposite camp, I’ve been waiting 10 years for a new AC. The newest Bethesda RPG can hang out for a while until I’ve kicked enough robots off of cliffs.

Surely all I will need to do is go into the options menu to enable the original soundtrack right? They wouldn’t make it paid DLC later... would they?

I understand that there are other movement options that can fulfill similar purposes.

But none of those are flying.

Of course you should, it lets you fly, bing bong quandary solved.

I get that it’s a side story, but it still feels like too soon to bring Kiryu back. Let Ichiban have a little longer in the spotlight before bringing the dragon of dojima out of retirement.

The mechs are in ruins and not usable

Well Starfield is getting shelved until after I finish Armored Core 6 in this case.

Actually it’s getting shelved until about nine or ten patches in, because it’s a Bethesda game.

Most people who are mad at developers for something are actually mad at the business guys who tell developers what the business needs this game to do.

I don’t think anyone is mad at developers, or at least if they are, their anger is absolutely misdirected. The Diablo horse armor does bring up one thing that really bugs me about video game development and “the biz” in general. There are a finite amount of resources allocated to making a game, and every dollar

You can still have a perfectly good time not interacting with the romance options at all. If you just want to quest and roll dice, all of that is still there and unaffected by romance. Some people like getting down with their party members, a lot of people do actually, and it’s cool that they can do that even if

I said a nice shire

I did not say Toronto

And thus ends the tale of Brooko Traftons, who threw the one ring into Mount Post and returned home, able to buy a house in a nice shire.

If you told me right now that Dust 514 or M.A.G. had servers back up, the next sound you would hear is me running through the wall to find and go plug in my PS3.

Narrowing the focus of the case to Call of Duty, to the exclusion of most other of Activision’s IP was a huge mistake and negatively affected the strength of FTC’s case.