
I didn’t really understand why anyone would want to watch a sports anime or read sports manga until I gave Hajime No Ippo a shot. I think I got 4 episodes in before the lightbulb turned on and I was hooked.

But it was still difficult to even find in the US at the time, and it still kind of is.

If you take a look at the Diablo 4 shop, you will see that they don’t sell cheap cosmetics. They start around $10 and a ton of them are in the $20-$25 range.

There is no secret cow level in Diablo 4, but who is to say that there is no secret rat treasure hoard level in Diablo 4?

A lot of developers groused about the PS2 being more difficult to develop for than either the GameCube or Xbox as well.

Good, I hope they are. Fuck ai and the people who think it’s good.

I would vote to approve this use of the union’s strike find.

These gifs confirm to me that the tradition of the player being the corporate baddie and taking mission contracts that involve attacking striking workers is still alive and well in Armored Core.

I would like it a lot more if there were something that suited my particular idiom better than “The Trash”

review scores are not an objective marker of quality.


The quantity is the same, but the quality of games at the Essential tier has cratered since they introduced higher tiers of PS+ membership.

I’m right there with you, the series has always been about doing something new in each iteration, but this feels like the biggest divergence from the norm so far.
I’m going to play it, but with the game being so heavily action focused and not having a party, it feels like the game is going to need to do a lot right to

After I played Dragon Age 2, I did as well.

This movie’s story would be a little cooler if they had released it before they killed the GT Academy.

The answer is obviously Lupin III’s Fiat 500.

Real heads (old people) know.

You don’t get to do this on your first sequel, the second game has to be either numbered or have a subtitle. You only get to do the same name twice after multiple sequels and at least a decade have passed.

I’ve checked the law and found that this is true, what they are doing is illegal, don’t look it up.

Cheat code in 2004's Gran Tursimo 4
- 10,000,000 Credits (GT Mode Screen): Select, Left, Right, Right, Down, Up, Up, Left, Down, Up, Right, Left, Down, L1, R1, Select

Cheat code in 2022's Gran Turismo 7
- 10,000,000 Credits (PlayStation Store Screen): Select 2,000,000 Credits (Cr.) - $19.99, Add to Cart, Add to Cart, Add

Microsoft her largest donor, incidentally.

Fallout 3's quests had fewer choices available to the player, and when other options did exist, the skill checks that enabled those choices were still randomized. A character with 100 speech still had a chance to fail a speech check that allowed additional narrative choices enabled by that same skill, and that always

missed opportunity by not naming it All Area Codes %