It’s battery, not assault. Given the lack of actual physical trauma, there are financial remedies to such things.
It’s battery, not assault. Given the lack of actual physical trauma, there are financial remedies to such things.
Ahh. Let’s replace the reliable and secure thing with something infinity more complex and likely to break to save 15 seconds of our lives everyday. This is so American it should have been posted yesterday.
Ecoboost just kicked in, yo.
Are you a poor? Your staff has to sit somewhere and wing seats are still illegal.
Determining whether a vehicle is good, bad, or something in between boils down to weighing what you get versus what…
No helmet or any kind of protective gear. An unwillingness to respond to requests or commands. A complete indifference to the situation around him. And it looks like he’s wearing open toed shoes on a fucking bicycle in the middle of a street!
When Ben and Jerry’s releases a new line of revamped classic ice cream…
I’ve only just watched the first McLaren LT-bit, but had to vent here already!
What I found most disturbing, is how much elastic deformation was visible on the a-pillar of the Kwid. It folds all the way to a 45 degree-angle and then most of the way back to its normal shape. It seems as the Kwid is as structurally stable as squid.
Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, and James May continue to tease their still-untitled upcoming Amazon show, this…