
Also once you’re aware of Whedon’s writing tics, it’s screamingly obvious Pietro was gonna bite it by the end of the movie. Which I’m still salty about; I like QS and thought this was a good take on him

Loved that story- I was bummed we never got an “I would have words with thee” out of Thor in the movie

I’m a male and my buddy and I still on occasion yell “ DU JOUR MEANS FRIENDSHIP” at one another 

The new kid was def giving major Jinny Hex vibes, kinda bummed she’s not her.

Ohman I hope Taskmaster isn’t some emotionless, Bourne Identity killing machine. I really love bad guys that are just in it for the money 

Haha that’s just what I was thinking! it’s like a Mad Magazine brought to unsettling life

True! Bonus- we get our only mention in the series of the Speed Force

Dude, Wally taking down Luthor/Braniac in that episode may have been the greatest moment in the series

Please don’t denigrate wizard vans

Where did you come from? Who moved the Rock? 

Probably my favorite Avatar moment of all time

This episode made me consider dropping the show, but I admit getting one last “Run, Barry, run” outta Wells was pretty affecting

Oh yeah, the blip! I did find it odd that Vision bought a house in an apparently dying town. Thanks for the reminder

Thankyou for your service,  sir or madam :)

That is fair.

I always felt like DC characters are so iconic, you COULD just have them show up in a JLA movie whole cloth. Just... not the way it was done.

Double so in comic books

And he LITERALLY yells “We’ll meet again, Spider-man!” as he flies aways! 10/10

 I was about to. Glad I checked first

You should check it out. It’s neat!