That too
That too
First exposure to ferrets! I eventually got some and they’re portrayed pretty accurate in that movie. Little thieves...
I’ll give some love to Beastmaster- In a Pre-LOTR world, fantasy pickings were slim. Thanks for for the cheesy movies, and RIP
He’s worth a lot to me
Takeyour goddam star -_-
By the third episode I finally realized what’s been missing from modern takes on the muppets: the canned laughter of a ‘live studio audience’
Ooh, boxofcottonswabs, you sounded like dirty Harry just then.
Thanks to this movie, to this day I still refer to him (in my head at least) as “make up artist and creature creator” Rick Baker.
HOO-WEE! Good whiskey make a jackrabbit slap da bear!
Always figured Johnny Cage was at least partially based on his EtD character
I’m just glad Alice didn't do anything to deserve it, i was worried
Alsoshe’s introduced in the classic villain misdirection way, affable, bumbling, self depreciating. You watch enough movies, that move becomes obvious.
Boy, howdy, do I get a lot of use out of that gif
I would argue that it's the tale of a rat and his boy.
That scene is such a great smash cut
Ha! I read it as kafkaesque at first, which is both nonsensical and giving the original post much more credit
My favorite part of Seven Samurai was the beginning when they were all lousy circus performers