I thought Enrico Palazzo was a real opera singer for like 15 years
I thought Enrico Palazzo was a real opera singer for like 15 years
No, do the one with the guy who could make a car out of blue light! He had a tron suit, kind of? No idea what it was called.
I’m 42 and I only sort of remember anything about it beyond the fact that I really liked it; maybe you were too old and cool for it when it aired?
In fairness to Pennywise, it WAS 1988, and “kidnapping the girl” wasn’t as hacky a plan as it is now
Pennywise II seemed a little to try-hard at first, but the design is growing on me. It may end up being an iconic monster, even if the movie is blah.
The X-men fight him all the time- I think Jubilee is STILL a vampire
That’ll put marzipan in her pieplate, bingo!
It’s not even a recap, really- If you didn’t see season one this would not help you one bit
He invented it!