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Max was ahead through the entire turn from before the braking zone, through the braking zone, and after. Lewis was approaching, yes, but Max still had the turn the entire way through. Starting a 2:22 is an overhead shot. Max even knew Lewis was there and gave him room actively moving off of the pure racing line he

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Check out this analysis and then think again.

Also, fuck Lewis double. And quadruple after this particular race.

You can’t have the inside line, when your aren’t ahead or at least even. When trailing, the line belongs to the car ahead and the car behind must yield. The lead car’s only obligation is to leave enough space on the track not to pinch the other car off the track. Max did that here, but Lewis ran wide of the apex and

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Opinion from Scott Mansell, an actual British racer who knows the track, was that Hamilton was at fault and understeered into Max. 

Every person who keeps saying there was any kind of squeeze in Copse by Max has absolutely zero understanding of racing lines or track driving.

He didn’t shut the door. There was well over a car width between Verstappen and the apex, and you can even seem him check the mirror and widen his line (turning left) to make sure Hamilton had room.

It’s also not the first time Lewis has made this move - and always comes out on top...and never gets penalized for it.
Unfortunately Lewis is F1's cash cow - doubly so at F1's biggest (by attendance) race which is also Hamilton’s home race.

The main problem here is that on the line Hamilton was taking, and at the point he braked, he wouldn’t have made the corner. You can see after he hits Verstappen that he doesn’t even come close to making the corner in any meaningful way. He deliberately overcooked the corner knowing he’d run into Max.

I’m not gonna pretend to have watched every F1 race since the dawn of time, but my view on it was Max had better track position, was further ahead, and could complete the corner in a manner consistent with a pretty standard racing line. Hamilton can’t say any of those things. A reasonable spectator would look at both

If Hamilton was another 5ft forward and the contact occurred between Hamilton’s front tire and the middle of Max’s chassis, I’d agree it’s a racing incident.  But being that it was front tire to rear tire, it was Hamilton’s fault.  He is diving up the inside, where it’s essentially a blind spot to the forward driver,

Max was ahead and had the right to the entire track width in the corner, yet still left plenty of room for Hamilton inside.

I’ve often said, the people who decry “equity” are those who feel like they have something to lose when others are given the same opportunities; in essence, their actions reveal their privilege. To those people “equality” seems to mean that we are all treated equally like shit; which is really a testament to how they

Those arguing about qualifications or merit are thoroughly missing the point, though I don’t blame them for that.

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ill just leave the new national anthem here

It's interesting that juuuust as the field seems to be developing some parity the rules are changing.

I always liked Nic Cage, just because he spends money like a poet on payday doesn’t mean he can’t act. Does he have a track record of picking great roles? Fucks no, but he is entertaining. 

That’ll do, Cage.

If a lack of snacks on the shelves mean people can get a better wage, I’ll be fine with that shortage. Only a 77 cent raise in over a decade?  That's just awful.

first one was a solid B in my books, I feel this trilogy is the silly throwback a summer needs, and a cool introduction to teens who might just be discovering horror!