
Found the programmer. 

Think you can avoid spoilers in big headlines? Seriously?

I’m not a huge spoiler guy. I normally don’t care too much about people complaining about headline spoilers. I’m really not. But...Hitler’s in this, and I’m assuming we get to fight him or something? God damn it. That would’ve been something to be surprised by. Like, he obviously survived being blown up in the first

Oh come on, that is a huge spoiler to put in the headline.

Ya know I don’t usually get all shirty about spoilers, but plopping this reveal right in the headline - “above the fold,” no less - is irresponsible. I’m looking forward to playing this game after enjoying the story in New Order, and wanted to go in fresh. So thanks a pantload for that.

Literally came to say exactly the same thing. Just had this reveal completely spoiled for me and am pretty pissed about it. I think I’m done here.

I just came here to say that this headline bears the same disregard for preserving the viewer/player experience that is starting to make me want to leave this website. There are a lot of people planning on playing this who haven’t.

LOL dude are you even serious? “Liberalism is a haven for insecure people” I think you got the views mixed up, if you are so secure then why are you afraid of change? You guys are the truest of snowflakes.

 Fuck Trump voters. A few of my fellow Liberal friends always criticize me for my hateful attitude towards them and other bigots. Saying I should be try to be nice to them and win over their hearts and minds. Fuck that. It’s not my job. I’m no therapist. Some act like I’m worse than Richard Spencer because I would