
I live in the suburbs and all this shit is everywhere. Its almost inescapable.

He’s leaving for Puerto Rico tomorrow so he has plenty of time to:

Anyone with a conscience? Seriously? Football is a brutal and violent game and that’s part of what makes it so great. If you don’t like it, you’re welcome to tune out.

As the medical team worked on the fallen player, making sure he wasn’t dead yet, did you notice all the players kneeling on the field? Those sons-of-bitches, they should be fired!

Gtfo, pussy. Don’t watch then. You can go antique shopping in your prius on Sundays if the brutality is too much for your sensitive ass.

You guys do know that these players play football because they love the sport right? You fuckers act like they’re being forced to go out and give eachother mashed potatoe brains. These guys know the risks of playing a contact sport...injuries are part of the game.

I have no problem watching after that. I have a conscience, and it is untroubled because I can unequivocally say that I’d let people do that to my head, for 2 million dollars (his guaranteed salary. He can make up to four, potentially).

The play was flagged, and it remains to be seen if Trevathan will be fined and/or suspended.