
Heather, your work matters and it was an important highlight of this site. Fuck the haters and the trolls- people have no idea how damn hard it is to do the work of critical writing. You made me think about old classics and you introduced me to many new ones. Nothing but respect to you and I hope your new endeavor

Best of luck to you Cecilia! Your reporting has always been a highlight and I look forward to following you at wired! 

This is quietly powerful Kinja that deserves more stars , and I salute you.

When can we start writing in for the Why Your Private Equity Owners Suck series? I've been looking forward to it all year!

That last letter made me feel way more emotional than I'm comfortable with feeling. 

Fuck it I'm commenting on everything just to make a point about the post engagement of this site. If management truly thinks that detracting from our strange but wonderful tapestry by eliminating stories like this is actually helpful to the site, then I gotta wonder how theyve reached where they are today. 

If this is the article that moves the meter on management's stick to sports policy, itll be just too perfec . And v in the spirit of old gawker.

Anyone who wants to keep David Roth, one of this site’s most eloquent writers, relegated to autoplay videos rather than let him share his gifted writing in articles such as this, not only lacks basic business sense but also common sense. It’s a damn shame that recent events dictate that we know him more for his

Im all in on Dogspin

This is happening in places all over. I used to work in the fitness industry. A well funded “non-profit” I was with took over a supposedly failing city rec center, promised not to jack the prices, then almost immediately doubled and in some cases tripled the prices of everything from memberships to the snack bar, all

Dear Jim Spanfeller, Paul Maidment et al-

Oh no! I skip one day of splinter and they shut down the whole dang operation. Worst part is I was IN the metro area AND had a camera! I’d have done this pro-bono. *doh!*

Hard to believe this is really over. I was pretty active on Gawker until the great graying, never managed to get approved after that. But it didnt stop me from reading or enjoying the regular approved commenters, or, heaven help us, their tomato-ridden trolls.

I was once an approved commenter on Gawker! I used to mean something!

This would have been a stellar add if Nintendo had any competence on the connection side. 3 friends and I logged in this weekend to play, all with v stable stateside connections- the game was an unplayable flipbook. So like most Nintendo online functions, this inspires little more than an annoyed shrug from me.

I wish I could say I named him, since I was in the earlier half of my 20s when he showed up. But nah, you can thank either the shelter or my "friends" for that, depending on who's story you believe. 

HI Deadspin.

Good luck Megan! I’ve been reading Deadspin for the better part of 4 EIC’s and yours was one of the most memorable tenures. I worry for the future of Deadspin and G/O that it is driving off so many talented journalists.

“Please clap”

How about they, ya know, fix Zenyatta first.