Doodlee Pigvirus

the series or film?

clicked on this because i thought it said "Kathy Najimy's," but this is good, too.

your picks sound extra boring to me. Rosie, please.

your only comfort is knowing they'll revert to turning a blind eye to corruption/war crimes/etc., the minute Trump's out of office.

half a season of LaGanja was quite enough for me, okarrr? i'll check it out, though, based on my love for UNHHHH.

i wouldn't mind seeing a version of TOE that hews closer to the book, but i kinda doubt that's what this will be shooting for. Vondie Curtis-Hall for Astronaut Asshole.

Crashing and Fleabag were two of my favorite things from last year. on the cusp of seeing this thing now, based solely on this news.

it pissed me off that Amanda died and Kennedy got to continue being annoying in the comics.

crudz. i'm gonna have to start watching that wretched series again.



which kid?

it's really less of a punch and more of an alt-hug.

i went to a christian school in ohio and got paddled A LOT. for jesus.

i remember that one.
"some velvet morning when i'm straight,
i'm gonna rule a land with hate"

a version of this spread to my school. we sang "i got a shotgun, and you don't got one," so i think we improved upon it a little. thanks and you're welcome.

*z snaps*