Doodlee Pigvirus

i give this game oh high marks.

who would have guessed that show you've described, was just exactly what the doctor prescribed?

Chong Ju Seo

Joan Cusack is her usual gold and NPH nails it, mostly, but the kids (especially Supergirl) feel miscast and are really dragging things down for me.

i'm also not seeing it for similar reasons. it's way past time to stop coddling these rapey pieces of garbage and actively call out their celebration as WRONG.

Heroes. i really enjoyed the first season, for the most part, but the last two were so execrable, i feel like the stink of them would still linger in a rewatch of it.


highly recommend "Crashing" on Netflix, another Phoebe Waller-Bridge gem.

having the most beautiful delusion about an Agent Carter Netflix film….

that's Myrna Loy.

lack of romance in the reboot was a plus for me, but i guess i wouldn't mind seeing a fleshed out relationship of Slimer and his ladyfriend in the sequel. Ghostbusters: Bouquet of Wieners

if it's just a few loud asshholes, why are Ghostbusters-related comments sections always such aggressive, fiery nightmares?

mine, too. she's insisting the whole family see it together.

people are still bickering about Duopoly candidates like it makes a difference? adorbz.



maybe a team of female baddies, like The Grapplers. leading into a Thunderbolts spin-off… :D

i just want a villain that JJ can actually pound on. maybe a team of them (The Grapplers) hired by IGH?