Doodlee Pigvirus

i agree. the fight scenes could have been slightly more inventive with less amateurish production. hopefully corrected in the 2nd season.

it worries me, too. especially after the way Elektra was handled.

i despise his character and just want him to go away forever.


was it, tho?

glenn dies, cast lies about their knowledge of it. fade to black.

i would plaster my existence with the merchandise from that show.

i'm suddenly heartened at the thought of MM getting her own show. donating my #IfCarolDiesIRiot shirt to the thrift shop.

WAOVW is one of my all-time favorites. i was genuinely shocked when i excitedly introduced it to my boyfriend and he walked out of the room in disgust 3/4 of the way through. i mean, it's bleak, but the banter is distinctively witty and Sandy Dennis just tickles me.

are you positive the makeup and special effects team didn't write this episode?

good theory. not sure that his death would have the kind of audience impact they'd be looking for (i know i want him dead after body-slamming Carol), but it'd lend credence to keeping Negan around against all reason…not that i'm expecting actual reason to be a factor, after this episode.

i assumed that's what they must have been going for, but it just felt like a HE DIDN'T GET OUT OF THE COCKADOODY CAR cop-out.

i seriously doubt we'll be getting "that scene" in this season, too. i'm anticipating Negan's introduction to culminate in another meh cliffhanger like the mid-season finale.

most of these same points were annoying me, too (the fire, not so much. zombies like fire. it's been established!), plus a bunch of others (Sam's end scene in the MSF just…never happened? why did Carol need Rosita's gun when her own was in its holster?). i'd been looking forward to watching the events of this

it hit bone and deflected. Nicotero confirmed it on Talking Dead.


same here. her over the top take had me in stitches.

i love Jessica Jones' Robyn…rooting for an Inhuman transformation in Season 2. and Linda Belcher as the Homer of BB is delightful. the character that's already ruining a show for me is Snart from Legends of Tomorrow.

i understand that craving. it was curious that they chose not to address it, even a little. my hope is that the loose end is an open door to further exploration of her capabilities in the 2nd season. immunity powers could come in handy against a foe like *crosses fingers and toes* Typhoid Mary.

i took the immunity to mean that evolving to thwart a predator is part of her power set. i prefer it over the comic book resolution.