
I read your comment, and then I couldn’t get away.

Doubtful. We learned as far back as the 80's that Iran’s so far away.

i know how much its worth i dont need to sell i dont need help selling it photos speak for themselves ran when parked no lowballs dont waste my time call only no texts money talks will not answer emails make an offer

I have waited so long to see this.

The Star Wars universe figured out advancing technology without destroying jobs.

This is the kind of question that should be asked in the debates.

Yes, and he even chirped the tires a bit when he took off. You KNOW he wanted to bust through that gate and take it on a highway too. What are they gonna do.. arrest him?

Thinking about it, he was professor at a northern university - which means he drove a Volvo wagon.

President of Da Unites States?


They couldn't be in a better place. Loud pipes save lives.

His real crime was shooting video in portrait.

Since it involved one of his testes, it was, in fact, a venereal sin.

From 30HP

Yep, I’m a victim of one of the stupidest ideas on the interwebs.

Stockholm, you already told us that!

What extra hour? I would prefer the daylight in the evening so we can finish what we start.

I got the “Jeep Thing” and now it hurts to pee.

you’re right, I read things incorrectly. The British took the capital of the Falklands and within days he was out of power... but they didn’t remove him from power. I was pretty ignorant on the subject so I was reading up on it this morning and I misinterpreted this sentence.

She did. They arrested her for arson because she lit it up with those hot moves.