
This will be an excellent time waster! I’ve already died 10 times :)

Where, oh where are all of the idiots who bleat “Stick to acting” when someone who isn’t conservative speaks their mind?

She got fired.

I grabbed the first volume of Undiscovered Country. It’s very The Dark Tower-y and I like going WTF? every few pages!

Shit like this (more and more frequent it seems) and the insane issue pricing is what lead me to picking up collected graphic novels at my local Half Price Books. 

I absolutely ADORE Charisma Carpenter. Probably my fave Buffy-verse actor.

Hear me out: I think Dottie is Emma Frost.

Delete Facebook.

COMPLETELY DISAGREE. We saw The Weeknd’s previous concert tour.

SAME, girl. SAME.

Can Fox just cancel itself?

Hot Take 2: Adam Driver can get it (if he ever realizes he is into dudes).

Hot Take: Gwen Stefani is also bad at music and choosing men to marry.

STENY giving me L.I.F.E. on this Friday morning.

Uh, ON-drea (because it sounds different) is not the bitch to fuck with.

All it takes is two utterances of the word “Fuck” to snag an R rating.

Republicans: “The Party of Personal Responsibility” ladies and gentlemen...

Wait. If she’s almost 10' tall, wouldn’t all of the furnishings be on the extra large size? I’m trying to remember if there were any shots in the trailer where the furniture looked x-large in scale, but I just remember it all looking normal. Even in the shot where she’s on the phone sitting down in front of her vanity.

Did they EVEN TRY to name Cage’s character something like:

Fellow Hoosier here.