
I have a hunch this launch is going to be a complete nightmare. Moving from a low-production premium vehicle down to the entry-level mass production budget compact market is an extremely difficult challenge; and cracks in the facade of Tesla have started to show as Musk continues to push 60+ hour work weeks for

No kidding! If a total cluster like North Korea can survive indefinitely as a functioning nation of sorts, what’s stopping California?

California dwarfs many countries in any category you could think of. It’s absurd to think it would happen, but they most certainly could “survive” whatever the fuck that means

That’s bullshit a state like California couldn’t survive on its own.

My Wife would be happy I wasn’t bothering her.

THAT was an awesome article and resto! Bravo, my good sir. BRAVO

So will you be posting the rest of her divorce filing tomorrow? ;)

Definitely not the mom.

In this clip, he plays South Korea, and his children are North Korea. Metaphorically.

Yeah, the “fortunately” list begins and ends with the girlfriend.

I really think that’s a nanny. I feel like a mom wouldn’t have been so frantic about it. But I’m just guessing.

I would go with a life ban. There is a reason racing belongs on a closed track.


Yeah, that kid gets kudos too. They remind me of a little alien scout that just came off the mothership.

First kid comes in with Swag Level on Expert.

Hey class. I never did anything super stupid, because I have a brain and r not stupid.

I’ll allow “maybe.” She also might have been a willing participant.

To say the very best about this situation, that’s one hell of a testament to modern car safety. That crash looked pretty brutal at the end, but the structure of the car is still more or less intact.

fortunately both are alive.

Street racing should carry a mandatory 10 year loss of license. I know we aren’t in Germany where people wouldn’t even think about driving without a license but it should carry a secondary penalty that being caught driving without a license is a mandatory 1 month in jail. Most people lose jobs if they’re out a month.