And you can fuck off since there are definitely Dems that go beyond a “W. is comparatively better” attitude and seem to be having orgasms when W. says the most minimally sane things now.
And you can fuck off since there are definitely Dems that go beyond a “W. is comparatively better” attitude and seem to be having orgasms when W. says the most minimally sane things now.
I disagree. W. started a war with Iraq because they tried to “kill his daddy” that one time. Maybe that wasn’t spite, but it was a grudge and stupid (and a whole lot of other adjectives).
yep...the problem was definitely on the outside, mama june.
did you see who we made president or
Can I just remind you that the original reason they got a reality show is because a morbidly obese white trash mother had a morbidly obese white trash family and specifically a fat rednecky child who entered beauty pageants and people enjoyed laughing at them? What a time to be alive.
Ed Sheeran’s songs should be sung and heard by nobody. Ever.
Songs written by Beyoncé that should have been sung by other artists:
I’ve never had mine called “gentlemanly” before. It’s been called a lot of things over the years—”disappointing”, “mediocre”, “quick”, “humorous”, “unwelcome”, “laughable”, “small”, “boring”, “poorly groomed”, etc, etc—but never “gentlemanly”
It’s strictly a last ditch system to stop anti ship missiles. The odds of it being able to do so are 50/50 at best.
Unfortunately it has a tendency to malfunction when exposed to the rough conditions at sea.
“New York City Housing Authority...will have its federal aid budget cut by $35 million this year. “
Making shitty apartments suck even more was how he got started working for his father. And kicking out the black people too.
People wanted a “businessman,” right? This is what businessmen do. But the government isn’t a goddamn business.
But he’s just keeping his campaign promises! Specifically, the promises he made in back rooms and in exclusive private clubs, to billionaires and their lobbyists.
We’re going to let the poors live in discarded missile tubes. Like one of those futuristic Japanese hotels. It’s win-win.
Budgets are where political and moral priorities get stated. How sick are our priorities today?
Please let them beat Duke.
Steroids are a helluva drug.
If she can get her steroids, she’ll be fine.