I can’t find a video of that, but I doubt it was this perfect. The timing of the second car is what makes it exceptional.
I can’t find a video of that, but I doubt it was this perfect. The timing of the second car is what makes it exceptional.
Because you can do an under-3 second pit stop this way? Other series are outdated.
“Singing to a backing track.” There’s your problem. A band doesn’t just shut down on you.
There is a reference that appears to assert it is real.
1A doesn’t apply to being a fence. Remember the Pentagon Papers?
La Sagrada Familia is a whole different thing.
Because hardly anyone did. Historically low turnout got him elected (I’m a Kentuckian).
Addiction and injury aren’t “willed”, and the other two spring from the first one, so...
I hadn’t seen that before. I think you’re right. :(
You’re listening to the wrong album. Try “Pretty Hate Machine”.
I’m not salty, this whole thing has been fishy as hell from the get go and I’d just like to know the truth.
Yes, this is not a plea bargain.
Yeah, correlation is not causation.
My 80-year old mother is recovering from lung cancer and she’s never smoked a day in her life. If it hadn’t accidentally been caught she’e be dead now.
Yeah, the voice is fake, but how fake? Like, super fake?
These are - EVERYWHERE - they’re required by the ADA. I can’t believe people don’t know what they’re for.
the Kennedys and Bushes
If you think every season since 2012 has been boring, you just haven’t been paying attention.
Those are the expectations because smart people go to those schools. I did, my kids do, and not because we are rich.
Quad 4's were hot garbage. My VW 1.8 16v made more bhp per liter.