
Frankly, who gives a shit about these people? Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. This is just chlorine for the gene pool.

I vote another VW but not a diesel. I commute 160 miles a day in a 2017 Jetta S 5MT and have seen up to 52 MPG, but regularly get 40+ with the cruise set on 80. It’s not super exciting, with with a stick the 1.4T is peppy enough.

I’m white, I saw it, and while I didn’t know specifically what she was asking (I’m not familiar with him or his work), I knew what she was doing and it was cringey as fuck.


LOL you can legislate how people drive.

It is under the law. Try reading it.

Hello, confirmation bias. Get back to me when cyclists kill 40,000 people a year in the US and 1.3 million worldwide. I can also direct you to multiple studies that show cyclists break traffic law on par with drivers, if not slightly less, albeit with far less consequence due to their lack of 3-4000 lbs. of metal

All the stars!

Actually, pedestrians and cyclists have rights, drivers have a revocable privilege.

Cyclists ARE traffic. They are not required to “keep up” with cars.

Cyclists can legally take the lane whenever they deem fit and you are obliged to deal with it safely. I recommend a Chill Pill.

And how much more does a modern Camry weigh? This is a bad take.

I was responding to a comment regarding trans athletes. Do you know what professional tennis’ testing program consists of? It’s a joke. Phelps called out rampant doping in swimming, yet he won clean? That’s what Lance said.

This dude just hurt the causes he was trying to promote by being a total moron.

IDK how many times I’ve watched this over the years. So good.

I was referring to trans athletes, not Semenya. And FYI, Serena is absolutely doping, and Phelps probably did too (as do their competitors).

I know of a couple instances of this in cyling. In one, she crushed the National Masters field. In the other, she races in the mens field.


I didn’t say that, I said he’s not a Democrat and if the Democrats don’t want him as their nominee, that’s their prerogative.

Because they are biologically men.  Letting men race as women is discriminating against women.