
If you’ll notice, that’s in Europe, it’s not code-compliant in the US.

Maximum ADA ramp slopes are 12:1. Say you need to descend 20 feet. That’s 240 inches, so you need a 240 foot long ramp. That’s why ramps are not used.

It is. As an architect I can tell you it’s a real (and expensive) pain in the ass.

You know why that is?  Assholes. People who fuck shit up for fun. They’re everywhere, and it’s why we can’t have nice things.

Fuck Jerry, the PR firm for the festival, was involved in the making of the Netflix one, so take that as you will.

If you don’t mind voiding your warranty.

Thanks for this information that’s been around since the 90's.

I’ve done 50+ and actually maxed out going uphill after a descent. Anything over 40 gets your attention, that’s when you realize how light everything on your bike really is and you think about failure modes.

Came here to say this, beat me to it. Well played.

Yep. There’s a huge moment load created at the connection. Basically a giant hinge that you’re trying to keep from moving.

Does it have switches from a Malibu?


What?  Your comment is missing a few letters and / or words. 

I’m white, and I haven’t seen Green Book (and am aware of the controversies), but i was doubly confused as to why Mahershala Ali won for best supporting, when the story of the movie is about his character?

I have full coverage on all my cars - with a $500 deductible (smallest available). I don’t always have $500 laying around to fix my car if someone dents a panel in the parking lot.

If what’s in the lease matches what’s on the website, they don’t have a leg to stand on. The website is a bunch of vague unenforceable language.

Hell yes he has a case. Nothing in landlord-tenant law covers this bullshit.

Just because something is written in a lease, even if you signed it, does not mean it’s enforceable. I’d like to see this challenged in court. Landlord-tenant law is pretty established.

That’s - not brutalism.

I just realized that’s WPSD. Derp.