
A while ago I was offered a job in Berlin, so I upped sticks and moved, looking forward to turning a new page. It was a bright spot in what had been a dreary few years: working long hours for a series of startups that never amounted to anything, endless travel and a relationship that had been dead in the water for

My freshman year of college, I attended a small women-only liberal arts college in Virginia (it’s gone co-ed in the last few years, but at this point it wasn’t). I’m from California and was a little worried about being alone on my own so far from home, so I requested a room in the dorms’ No Man Hallway. The other

I have never seen a ghost. I have not received repeated phone calls from disconnected numbers. Weird things do not generally happen to me.

Ohh I remember something from my child hood as well that I’ve never forgotten.

My father grew up in Florida. His mother died when he was a teenager of lung cancer and in the fullness of time his father was remarried to the woman I would know as my grandmother.

She entered the marriage with a house that had been passed down to her in the middle of an old-growth orange grove. It was a classic old

The women in my family are a mixed bag of crazy. We see, hear, sense, and dream odd things. So trying to write about one really scary story is very hard because every house I’ve lived in was either haunted, or became haunted due to the presence of my mother and I. This story is 100% true- hand to bible-.