
Portability allows me to play on my couch while watching Netflix, or on the shitter, or in bed, or in the living room while people watch TV, or at my computer desk as I wait for a long queue in an MMO, or at break during work.

There’s a legitimate setting for that on the Switch that’s on by default, it’s not something that needs to get fixed.

They only ship inside the US :(

I agree, I didn’t like feeling so restricted in the recent games. Felt bare without units next to each other.

I’m so tired of the costs of gaming these days, and yet we’re not gaining anything to offset the cost. It’s just straight-up more expensive.

You are correct

Yeah they removed the PvP restriction maaany years ago now. Thank god! I like having both factions.

Edit: Nevermind

I don’t know how I feel about this new site layout... but man, Cora looks a lot less like absolute shit in these pics

I love you

Oh absolutely, I agree.

He probably just means the company as a whole since it reflects on their reputation more than that team. Most people won’t care to (or just don’t) know which individual team, know’m’sayin’?

Gotta say I do like how you turned that on me. Clever!
But nope just gave up, after all... my words have no power ;P


Now playing

All of the people in this thread are basically acting like Tana. Goodbye.


Yup because any of that is remotely true based on what I said. Yeah, no, you have a real closed mind buddy.

I’m directly in the middle of the spectrum, I don’t do it, but recognize a LOT of people do it, and I don’t give a shit that they do.

Not necessarily “me and my friends” though. For example, when I was in high school, comedic/fake racism was the height of hilarity so just for fun, out of games even, you’d hear racial slurs tossed back and forth playfully. Even between races.

Actually, the Korok thing is seeds, not nuts. :D