What I always find funny about shit like 10k years passing is, how in the hell have people not advanced in evolution/industry/technology etc
What I always find funny about shit like 10k years passing is, how in the hell have people not advanced in evolution/industry/technology etc
Not to mention help create it!
Just because you don’t think it’s canon doesn’t make it so. I am 100% grammatically serious when I say it is literally canon.
It’s literally the canon timeline. Literally. Also, it’s Aonuma who wrote in Chapter 2 talking about contradiction, and he defends it.
Wait this is an actual theory? Because I literally just made a comment saying that’s what if feels like lmao. It sounds the most likely to me. I wanna read someone’s more developed and written thoughts on it!
Didn’t they say that they don’t want to be constrained because of the timeline? I feel like, since this game has so many things from previous games, it may just be an amalgamation of all the series into one game. That’s just my two cents.
Yeah I’ve already played probably... 45 hours or more I’d wager. It’s consumed my life outside work and I had a long weekend to play it over.
The weapons from beating the actual dungeons are repairable. There’s an NPC to each major village that recreates them should they be lost or broken. Requires materials and a certain weapon usually.
Fun shit like this is part of why I enjoy Kotaku so much more than other sites.
You want clicking the right thumbstick to be sprint?
Majora’s Mask doesn’t quite count imo because you reset it at your leisure and is its own puzzle in itself.
I got this in early access a long time ago. I wonder if the gameplay has improved drastically? Was a very bare-bones game when I tried it. Almost all the features were missing. You could ride stuff, become stuff and build stuff, that was it.
Oof, yeah I know what you mean! In this case I actually regret not having PS+, I would have really enjoyed LBP3 :c
2 months in a row with non-shit games? Goddamn!
Man that’s a really good idea, if it had the hardware to do so. Wouldn’t have taken much at all to do it, so it’s too bad.
Actually, that’s literally it. It takes about the time required for a TV to recognize a new HDMI signal.
Yeah but this is almost an exact copy of Resistance, is it not?
Holy fucking shitfuck.
I never had a single doubt about it being a new console because I’m a gamer with common sense, but if I were an unsuspecting everyman then I might have not known at first glance
Gotta love M. Bison