

Even in video games you can see the difference in handling by tuning the suspension, gearing, fueling, etc.

How realistic is that people are going to tune this car at that price? Sure, people tuned the hell out of the MkIV, but wasn’t that years after it stopped being sold? The 86/BRZ has a pretty big aftermarket, but those are cars that start at $25k new; sure it’s not chump change, but it’s not $50,000 either. Is Toyota

So do I, rock it with pride.

So let me get this straight.

No, BMW fans would not say that, simply because it is a BMW, not a Toyota. They are making fun of the Supra for not being an actual Toyota, just a reskinned Z4.

The color is spot on but the graphics could be updated a bit. Oh and more speed holes too.

I have the weirdest boner right now

Whoa.  Where’d that come from?

The Supra isn’t just a Z4, to prove that we talked to the program leader.

Doubtful. Truck sales are based on markets and not true needs.

Please Please PLEASE make this.

Patient fucking zero:

Squinting into the electric future

In Australia you poo with your pants ON and they like it that way!

this has all been decided the moment Demoltion Man came out in 1993:

What’s wrong with this picture?

Are you sure?

Thankfully, we have Mercedes stylists taking design trends in a... um..... 2nd direction.