
If i was rich i would buy it put 100k miles on it and daily it into a tree 

I Trump you (cern) 

America is going to had a outdated design thanks chicken tax and 25-year-rule limiting design progress hurting innovation and pricing the poor out of the market of a basic car ban them both America is a closed market 

Now playing

They did this in India and the russians and Chinese do the samething too

Kristen lee is fake news 

Lego kombi last edition here i come 

Capitalism is the only thing that works government is the problem look at the soviet union look at nazi Germany government kills people why have more government in your life if you want socialism live on social security like me and also give me your job 

Low volume production laws if you build in someone else’s factory so you dont own the factory you could make the basic cars of your dreams that are 25-year-old designs but they need to meet our emission rules

Would the Amish drive model T when we are in ride sharing driverless teslas 

Around 20k mazda 3 prices

Some million dollar car will crash and burn 

Kristen lee for you 

What about 3d priting your concept of your dreams ford 021c that still confuses me with mass production 

You mean 25-year-rule and chicken tax lol both are hell to live with 

What a waste of money modern Porsches are brazil anyone

$30k+ for a Mazda since when did Mazda become a base luxury car government needs to stop regulating the hell out of us ban that 25yearrule and let the poorest Americans drive newer cars instead of 15 years old government moters beaters 

If automakers got there heads out of there butts and made cars for the people priced affordability at around $10k usd time to get some federal jail time with some good old Russian collusion

It’s very tall, very narrow, and very fake.”

Rebel against the corporate system revolution 1776 

Welfare you take food stamps EBT Toyota do you please tell me now