
Tavarish showed a fuel line that appeared to have been rubbing against a bolt and eventually became thin enough to leak.

There was a thought it was something else, but I believe Tavarish’s conclusion was a fuel leak onto headers.

What did they finally diagnosis as the cause of that fire?

IIRC it was something like $80k

If I remember from his videos, he got enough from the insurance company to pay it all off.

I wonder how much insurance paid out for Hoovie’s inferno seen above...

Well my neighbor is a barber and got arrested last night for selling weed! I have been his customer for YEARS and didn’t even know he was a barber!

I used to do drugs. I still do, I just used to too

It’s a self-correcting problem. Give it a day or two and you won’t notice it.

I don’t understand what everyone is upset about. It’s just a small fuel leak, never a big deal on an Italian exotic.

as long as the car is not currently broken, all car issues are future issues.

Well, they weren’t wrong about it being a future issue. They just failed to mention that it also happened to be a past and present issue...

[Dealer]: Shit. How much is this gonna cost me?

His car is a real sleeper.


Encouraging this in any way....

In Soviet Phoenix, mattresses goes to you!

The Princess and the Muscle Car. 

I’m not sure what’s more wallower - being on the mattresses or being in the Challenger as it goes round a corner...

I never realized Alanis’s middle name is Pun.