
To go deeper down the conspiracy theory well, it’s my belief that the push to automatic transmissions is strongly backed by big oil. Why, you ask? If you look at the large majority of the automatic driving public, they will race from place to place, only braking at the last minute, never predicting the flow of traffic

That’s crazy talk. Foreign cars less than 25 years old are clearly a danger to our freedom.

Maybe we get rid of that pesky 25 year rule too.

Or just waive the chicken tax in general if it’s got three pedals :-P 

Also probably to be able to turn a profit while still abiding by the “low-volume” part of the “Low Volume Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Act of 2015".

This is a perfect utilization of the Low Volume Motor Vehicle Manufacturer’s Act.  The prices are outrageous, but appropriate.  Being licensed by Ford is huge.

Genius, just genius!

I love the fact that Torch wrote about a burning vehicle.

Note to Jalopnik: from now on, Torch, and Torch only, should author burning vehicle pieces for Jalopnik.

He almost made an ash of himself.

Screw you!

Why so?

Nailed it!

probably would’ve worked better with shorter nails

There is nothing new under the sun.

Wonder how hard it would be to stick the Volt drive train under the Chinese market second gen Chevrolet Orlando?  They share the GM Delta platform.

Recovered: in-vehicle footage

It needs some orange spray paint and a confederate flag on the roof to complete the sad package.

Jalopnik liked the Renegade.