
Comment of the year 

Taco bell has the worst time to make a taco

This is how they japan in japan”

Great now i want a lada niva torch your torchering me lol 

Make this possible torch 

I found this one today merry Christmas 

Wrong i rejected your realty and substitute my own its red cops see red 

You need help i know of a doctor that can help 

First comment is jason and me the only ones that like vw buses lol on jalopnik 

Dont forget we beat them to the A bomb not the f bomb and we nuked japan

All she is guilty of is trafficing 

Just LS swap it

AI will kill humans and robot's will be driving the fun cars designed by AI 

When is David tracy getting his hands on a Chinese jeep one could import a xj jeep (top picture) with a 25-year-old frame from a American spec version to make it legal look up mexican beetles in the USA

Dear god this could be my new apartment cheap rent lol

How about some brakes to go with that

Depressions are fun look at what they create the isetta was created out of depression (1980 diaseta pictured) it was a fail

When will i work for jalopink pay me in yugo parts lol


Its time to hire christian howard i hear you can contact him via Facebook messenger this guy is jason torch on steroids he takes payments in yugo parts