
Did I say I was an objectivist? Because I'm not. Ignorance, hypocrisy, and the rationalization thereof is detestable no matter the philosophy of the holder.

That may be true for you. It is clear however, that Sonia knows nothing about Atlas Shrugged. If she had, she would know that the only way it is a "useful primer on how to exploit others for gain" is if she is taking cues from the antagonists - crony capitalists who use the power of government to create monopolies and

Your derision was just a convenient way to be critical without having to actually say anything substantive. By your logic, no one actually ever needs to read anything to criticize it or have an opinion about it. There are already enough false criticisms out there resulting from pure ignorance and misunderstanding of

I think you are missing the point that I just picked a band to illustrate the ridiculousness of Sonia's statement - it could be any artist or writer and sound just as silly. It's not about the subject - it's about the absurdity of making judgments about something you know nothing about.

Cue over-generalizations about how people who read Rand are ignorant and close-minded as if it excuses the same behavior in others.

You know who I really hate and is my cultural deal breaker? People who drone on about Pink Floyd. They talk about how it has influenced them, but I just tune them out. It's just like they confessed to being a cult. I've heard a few Pink Floyd songs, but I've never listened to Dark Side of the Moon or The Wall. I