
Because Challenger and Columbia and Apollo programs never happened, right? And Columbia totally didn’t delay the space program for years because the public panicked, right?

Do you have any idea how many accidents NASA had before the last 30 years? Before Alan Shepard even went up? Lots. And you might want to remember that the “US government space program” was all built by private contractors, too.

You are thinking of the twin turbo 917-30 that ran in Can Am. The Le Mans racers, like the ones in the film, were naturally aspirated and had to make do with 600 hp.

Before you climb down off the high horse, maybe read about the Apollo program where 3 guys died in a pad test. Different fuck up, but dead none the less. Then read people like Chris Craft, who ran the damn program, who said that we only barely got to the moon and we did it with accepting levels of risk that would

Uh, pretty sure the government blew up a lot of things getting to the moon/space/etc., and that was when NASA spending was “open checkbook.” And then developed a reusable shuttle that wouldn’t have to be built brand new every trip because expensive. And then on exploded so they basically took them apart and

I think you need to leave, go read some Wikipedia articles, then come back.

Wow. That was a foolish argument. Are you trying to claim that NASA never lost a payload? Because I don't know how to be the one to tell you, but they have. With casualties. See: Apollo 1, STS 51-L (Challenger), STS 107 (Columbia), etc. Why can't we have both? Fund NASA, and have some hard charging privateers?

Wow....you have...no idea what you’re talking about.

What in the world are you on about? I don’t remember reading of any fatalities from SpaceX activities, which is logical because AFAIK they haven’t launched any manned rockets yet. NASA has lost two space shuttle crews along with the Apollo 1 accident.

What about when the 3 astronauts died during testing of the Apollo 1 rocket when the Command Module caught fire? Or pick your own space shuttle disaster. I think you need to rethink your comment.

o rly? How many fatalities has SpaceX caused? Are you aware of NASA’s launch success statistics? They’re good, but they’re certainly not what you claim.

getting a driver’s license in America is so easily its a joke.

My thoughts exactly. As someone who has driven in Asia, Europe and South and North America, Yanks are the worse when it comes to that “I have my lane fuck you” attitude. It’s hilarious reading these posts and people complaining about fast cars coming up behind them and then taking their sweet time to move over. In

This idea will never work in North America. The video cites the German autobahn as a best practice. Problem is that Germans and North Americans are very very very different people. Germans are on average a highly intelligent, disciplined people who respect authority and other drivers. Not to mention they’re far better

Had to scroll way too far down for this. This does it more for me.

I guess this discussion pertains only to the USA.

The best way to drive in free moving traffic is to always drive on the right and only get in the left lane to pass, even if you’re speeding. Actually, especially if you’re speeding because left lane speeders are a clearer target. That said, 70 is a ridiculously slow speed for Interstates.

Repeat after me: the left lane is NOT the “fast lane” it is the passing lane. It is for passing, not for cruising, regardless of your speed.


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oh man, check this out, you’re gonna love it ;)